Published 8 years ago

Remote working in the Okanagan

My family and I moved to Vernon, BC in 2012. I’d been working as a Product Manager for an Edmonton-based software startup, and had convinced them to let me work remotely.

After arriving in Vernon, one of my first objectives was to connect with like-minded locals who also worked in the technology sector. I was leaving a thriving technology scene in Edmonton and I was worried that I’d become rusty without a good community.

What I found surprised me: world-class software developers, designers, creatives, and business people living right in Vernon. This eventually lead to a bunch of us deciding to rent an office and work together.

That became Cowork Vernon.

What started as a small group of 4 original founders has grown to 10 regular members. Our main suite has high ceilings, large windows with lots of natural light, a small kitchen (with fridges, microwave, and sink), a sound booth, and a comfy couch. We also have a separate private office for private phone calls, meetings, and audio recordings.

Why do I remote work from Vernon?

There are many reasons!

First, it's a beautiful place to live; it's the hidden gem of the Okanagan. Most people drive through and don't realize how many beautiful spots are around Vernon. The lakes, beaches, mountains, and natural areas around here are amazing.

Second, Vernon is a great place to raise a family. My wife and I have four kids, and we'd talked to people who were raising their kids here and loved it.

Third: recreation! Our whole family skis. We can be from our house to the lift at Silver Star in about 20 minutes. That's incredible. There are very few places in North America where you can do that. We also love going to the beach, swimming, and hiking. There are great options for all of those things, all less than 15 minutes away.

Fourth: I really like the actual city of Vernon. I think it has lots of potential. It's a good size, not too spread out. I bike to the coworking office most days. If you live in East Hill, or other communities around the city center, many places are within walking distance.

Interested in trying coworking?

Our address is 3000-30th Street, Vernon BC (right by Marten Brewpub). We don't currently accept drop-ins (but please fill out our survey if you're interested).

You can email us at [email protected].


Justin Jackson


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